Breakfast Meeting
NEPC Hosts Market Breakfast
at the New England Produce Center
& Boston Market Terminal
sponsored by
State Garden/Olivia's Organics
Ken Reagan (State Garden), Kevin Keough (State Garden), Johnny DeMichaelis (State Garden), Mark Pins (State Garden), Corrine Barry (State Garden), Paul Tosto (State Garden), Craig Richardson (State Garden), George Rocco (State Garden), Anthony Sattler (NEPC President/C&S Wholesale Grocers, Inc.), Jimmy Prasik (USDA) |
Burlington, MA (May 4, 2016) – New England Produce Council, Inc. (NEPC) hosted a breakfast event at the New England Produce Center & Boston Market Terminal on Wed. May 4th with State Garden/Olivia’s Organics as the event sponsor. The morning began with a hot breakfast and tours of the New England Produce Center & Boston Market Terminal. This event was attended by many retailers, vendors and foodservice representatives.
This was a great opportunity for the NEPC Membership to tour the Produce Center and see the largest privately owned terminal market in the country. The primary objective of the New England Produce Center is to supply the highest quality fresh fruits and vegetables; and agriculturally related items, to wholesalers, retailers and food service customers serving the more than eight million people located in an area bounded by Connecticut in the South, to the Canadian border in the North, and all the Maritime Provinces of Canada in the East, to Albany, New York in the West.
According to NEPC President, Anthony Sattler, NEPC will look at making this market breakfast an annual event. “So many of our members have never visited the market and through this event they gained an appreciation for this segment of the produce industry” states Laura Sullivan, Executive Director NEPC. A special thank you to State Garden/Olivia’s Organics for sponsoring this event.
Press Contact
Laura Sullivan